Jun 30

Aromatherapy For Mental Wellbeing

Achieving good mental health and wellbeing in today’s world is challenging and requires a toolkit of support options.  Aromatherapy and, more importantly, blends of different essential oils utilises a direct pathway to our moods and emotions – our sense of smell.

The problem most people face is knowing the best essential oils to choose from and how to combine them. Professional aromatherapists develop essential oil recipes based on their knowledge of several factors. Their methods are difficult for the layperson to replicate; however, there is another way for mental wellbeing.

In this book, Julia has combined her many years of clinical practice and experience as a teacher with advice from other published aromatherapists and research scientists. It contains a practical 7 step guide to creating essential oil blends, 30 essential oil profiles and a place for you to record your recipes so you can confidently use aromatherapy to support your and your family’s mental wellbeing.

“In this world of uncertainty, mental health has never been more important to address.  Julia has written a non-textbook textbook. The science and practical application of aromatherapy in layman’s language. Perfect for the essential oil lover and practitioner.”  Jennifer Jefferies, The Present Day Wise Woman, author, international speaker, Naturopath.



You can read my full story here, from when I was ten years old and what happened to me. I was admitted to a psychiatric unit at fifteen and continued to suffer throughout my adult life with feelings of self-hatred, fear, darkness and not knowing who I was. I used addictions to help me to cope on the outside when the inside was chaotic. I finally found my healing and had a burning desire to share this with the universe to give love, hope and inspiration to others in pain.

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass

Anton Chekhov