Jun 14

I Never Knew Better

Georgia’s life was anything but easy; in fact, her suffering was so extreme it would shock you.

As a vulnerable young girl, she was severely neglected and cruelly abused in every way possible – sexually, physically and mentally. Let down by those closest to her – she learned how to survive from a very young age and was overloaded with adult responsibilities.

When she found the courage to speak up – she was manipulated and forced to live a lie to protect others. Her upbringing led to a lifetime of further generational trauma. However, it gave her massive strength and resilience and she grew into the remarkable business woman she is today.

If you feel alone, read Georgia’s story to find the strength and hope to reach out for help. You are not alone, there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can reach your dreams.


You can read my full story here, from when I was ten years old and what happened to me. I was admitted to a psychiatric unit at fifteen and continued to suffer throughout my adult life with feelings of self-hatred, fear, darkness and not knowing who I was. I used addictions to help me to cope on the outside when the inside was chaotic. I finally found my healing and had a burning desire to share this with the universe to give love, hope and inspiration to others in pain.

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass

Anton Chekhov