Dec 23

Taking Worry Out Of The Classroom

We know there is a rise in mental health issues in young people – so what strategies can we put into place?


If you would like to incorporate more mindfulness and self-esteem activities into the classroom, then this is the book for you.


The classroom environment should be a place for children to be creative, explorative and space for them to grow with self-love and self-worth, with the focus on children’s passions and interests. A child who receives this will learn more effectively.


“Our mindfulness sessions this year have been amazing. All children have taken part in focused sessions with Katie; this has had a positive impact on learning and teaching. “ – Class Teacher


“I have had amazing feedback from the children themselves, they loved the self-esteem and mindfulness sessions, and the parents were very impressed. They are continuing to practice the techniques at home, and everyone is feeling the benefits.” – SEN Lead


You can read my full story here, from when I was ten years old and what happened to me. I was admitted to a psychiatric unit at fifteen and continued to suffer throughout my adult life with feelings of self-hatred, fear, darkness and not knowing who I was. I used addictions to help me to cope on the outside when the inside was chaotic. I finally found my healing and had a burning desire to share this with the universe to give love, hope and inspiration to others in pain.

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass

Anton Chekhov