Jan 22

The Story I’ve Never Told

School days are supposed to be the best years of your life. Well not for Chloe Bradley, who found they were the darkest and most difficult years of her life.

She was diagnosed autistic at the age of 15 years old. Until that time, she lived in a world of confusion. She was misunderstood not only by herself, but also by family, friends, and even teachers.

Nobody seemed to understand why she did certain things or acted in a certain way. She struggled with reading and writing, but her teachers never picked up on her also having dyslexia. She was considered lazy and non-focused and was bullied relentlessly at school, in her social life and when she started in employment. She also endured horrific sexual abuse. She was left with long term PTSD and other mental health issues to work through.

With all of her strength and compassion, Chloe empowered herself, speaking out as a motivational speaker and is known in the media as the “UK’s Number 1 Survivor”.

Her story is to help anyone else going through these traumatic experiences to reassure them that they will be okay and are not alone. Chloe hopes to educate people far wide on what it’s like to live with Autism.




You can read my full story here, from when I was ten years old and what happened to me. I was admitted to a psychiatric unit at fifteen and continued to suffer throughout my adult life with feelings of self-hatred, fear, darkness and not knowing who I was. I used addictions to help me to cope on the outside when the inside was chaotic. I finally found my healing and had a burning desire to share this with the universe to give love, hope and inspiration to others in pain.

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass

Anton Chekhov